Lift Distribution


Our Logistics Solutions

With the understanding of micro distribution business model that we have adapted to the automotive spare parts industry, our customers will endure by providing logistics service with their own means; we aim to save them from their difficult and costly business structure such as micro distribution centers, transportation vehicles, the employment of drivers and other qualified personnel and to focus on their core business.



Kilometers driven daily

With the micro-distribution experience we offer to our customers, we do not leave any unvisited places in Turkey.


Delivery to 30 cities

Logistics chain management, and our strong technological infrastructure in many provinces of Turkey's timely and safe delivery offer opportunity.


Daily delivery package

We carry out the delivery of the products of our customers, for which we offer efficient micro distribution service, through our distribution network in all around Turkey.

Contact Us

“Bu form üzerinden bizlerle paylaşmış olduğunuz kişisel verileriniz taleplerinize cevap verebilmemiz ve söz konusu taleplerinize ilişkin sizlerle iletişime geçmemizi sağlamak amacıyla kişisel verileriniz 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu ve ilgili mevzuat kapsamında işlenecek, gerekirse bu amaç ile 3. kişiler aktarılacak ve şikayetinizin çözümlenmesinin ardından mevzuatın öngördüğü süre boyunca saklanacaktır.” Kişisel verileriniz ile ilgili haklarınıza ve hak taleplerinize ilişkin detaylı bilgi için “Gizlilik Metni” ile “Aydınlatma Metni’ni” inceleyebilirsiniz.




We Care About Transportation For Your Business

Lift Distribution, with its technological infrastructure and expert team, is a company that provides service to the automotive spare parts industry with micro distribution solutions.


Cevizli Mah Tugay Yolu Cd. No:20 B Blok Kat 8 D: 49 34846 Maltepe/İstanbul

Today's trade models have reached a very different point than before. Effected by the rapid development of technology, the change has led to new sectors and new working models faster than ever.

Lift Distribution, whose foundations we laid in 2019, aims to provide service solutions to the sector with its young and dynamic staff, boutique solutions and automotive spare parts industry, with a timely and safe delivery approach.

Lojistik, bir ürünün bir noktadan diğer bir noktaya taşınması olarak görülebilir. İşte burada diğerlerinden ayrılıyoruz. Projenin baştan uca analizini yaparak, danışmanlığını yürütüp, teknoloji ve deneyimlerimizle mikro dağıtım alanında katma değer sağlayacak hizmeti veriyoruz. Başta İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir ve Adana olmak üzere toplam 64 ilde 8.600 noktaya dağıtım organizasyonunu yürütüyoruz.

Within the scope of sectoral logistics services, we will be an innovative company in the field of micro distribution by offering start-to-end solutions with a partner-specific service understanding.

Murat ÖGE

General manager